American Dryer eXtremeAir EXT Series

The American Dryer eXtremeAir EXT Collection offers environmentally friendly, high-speed hand drying using no-heat technology. It has customizable sound, speed, and wattage options along with universal voltage making it the perfect solution for your commercial washrooms. Shop HomElectrical to find the best American Dryer product to fit your business needs today!

How does the dryer work?

American Dryer's eXtremeAir EXT models use a high-velocity air stream to dry hands in 12-15 seconds.

How is the eXtreme EXT dryer customizable?

This model allows you to adjust the sound from 83-69 dB, the speed from 19,000-10,000 LFM, and the wattage from 300-500W. The adjustable sound makes it ideal for sound sensitive, high traffic areas such as schools or libraries.

How is the dryer environmentally friendly?

The dryer offers energy efficiency by only using 500-300 watts of power. The low power consumption is up to three times lower than competitors.
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