Are Sealed Battery Smoke Detectors the Solution?

The Problem

In 2015, structure fires were responsible for 78% of all deaths due to fire. There were:

  • 501,500 structure fires reported in total
  • 2,685 civilians were killed
  • 13,000 people injured
  • $10.3 billion in property damages

If that isn't alarming enough (no pun intended) of all the home fires reported, smoke detectors only sounded in half of them. So at least half of those who died, never even got the opportunity to escape.
When smoke alarms fail to sound it is usually one of these three reasons:

  1. Missing batteries
  2. Drained batteries
  3. Disconnected batteries

It is also important to note that most of the deaths associated with structure fires are not from the flame itself, but rather from the inhalation of smoke and toxic gases.

The Solution

The sealed battery smoke detector hopes to bring a stop to many instances of failed smoke alarms. These "low maintenance, high protection" alarms do not use replaceable batteries and are sealed to prevent the battery from being tampered with or removed. Add this with the 10 year life expectancy, and you get a good investment. Many states agree and have begun reshaping the standard on smoke detector requirements. Sealed battery smoke alarms are required by law in the following states:

  • California
  • Florida
  • New York
  • Michigan
  • Ohio
  • Connecticut
  • Parts of Texas
Battery Sealed Detector

What smoke alarm do I need?

There are four major types of alarms that you can use to protect you and other civilians from fire related deaths.

  • Ionization
  • Optical (Photoelectric)
  • Heat
  • Carbon Monoxide
Smoke Detector

Ionization alarms

These alarms are responsible for detecting "fast-flame" fires. These are the types of fires that occur when wood, paper, flammable liquid, or other item gets ignited by an open flame.

Photoelectric or Optical alarms

These are more reliable at detecting slow-smoldering fires. These fires occur when cigarettes or other smoking materials are left unattended and begin to produce smoke that contains dangerous chemicals like carbon monoxide.

Shop Optical Detectors

Heat Detectors

Heat alarms

These alarms sound when the temperature in the area is too high or is increasing rapidly which is usually the result of a fire. A heat alarm will never sound before the fire is present, but only after it has begun.

Shop Heat Detectors

Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon Monoxide alarms

These alarms are responsible for detecting the threat known as the "invisible killer." Carbon Monoxide has no smell and cannot be seen, therefore this alarm is our only hope to protect us from high levels of this poisonous gas.

Shop CO Detectors

Combination Alarms

These alarms offer protection from more than just one type of risk.

IoPhic smoke alarms

These dual alarms offer ionization and photoelectric detection. IoPhic alarms are very effective detecting fast flaming fires and smoldering fires. This insures that you are protected from both types of fires without having to install two separate types of detectors.

3 in 1 Alarms

3-in-1 alarms

These alarms offer maximum protection from 3 different types of risk: Fast-flaming, smoldering, and carbon monoxide.

With the information above you should now be able to make an informed decision that can help protect you, your family, and others from structure fires. 10 year sealed battery smoke detectors are simple to install and continue to work during a power outage. Check your home and building of business to ensure that you have a smoke detector installed on each floor at the very least. In addition, it is recommended that you have a detector installed outside of every sleeping area and inside bedrooms so they can wake you up because the majority of these fires take place between 11pm-7am. If you haven’t already begun shopping for your smoke detector, visit HomElectrical and get the coverage you need.

Falyn Eaden
Falyn Eaden

Working as Project Management Officer at CORL Technologies and armed with a B.S. in English & Professional Communication and an M.S. in Cyber Security, Falyn works to create environments that protects and represents the world around us. He loves life, fast-paced environments, flag football, eating and exploring new things.

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