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Joseph Binks was the founding father of the spray gun in 1890. Since then his industry has expanded and become one of the top leaders in spray gun designs. Binks spray guns are designed for the cleaning and maintenance of engines. These tools are able to remove dirt and debris that has collected within the engine. They can be used for a variety of applications including: construction, demolition, electrical, and more to keep your equipment running smoothly. Explore our collection of Bink spray guns at HomElectrical.

1-2 of 2 products

$287.48Case of 60

1-2 of 2 products

$287.48Case of 60

What is a Binks Spray Gun?

This Binks spray gun is made from brass and has a forged aluminum body. The large control knobs that come along with this sprayer make it easy to control. Plus a pistol lever will make the direction that you want the spray to be directed more accurate. These tools are designed for the maintenance of engines and other machinery. It will pull off any debris and dirt that can be collected in the engine.

Where can a Binks Spray Gun be used?

Binks spray gun is designed to remove any debris and dirt that is found within an engine. This spray washing tool can be used in a variety of applications including:

  • Construction
  • Demolition
  • Electrical
  • Engineering and more
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