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ITW Dykem

ITW Dykem is a manufacturer of professional marking and layout measuring tools for industrial machinists, metal workers, and more. They provide a variety of commercial quality marking pens, paint, and layout fluid so you can make precise measurements.

How to apply ITW Dyken Steel Blue layout fluid?

Dyken Steel Blue layout fluid paints onto hard metal surfaces and dries for easy marking and measuring. Painting the metal with Steel Blue gives the shiny surface a backdrop to perfectly scribe where you are going to drill holes. Steel Blue also comes in spray, for easy application.

First: Apply a thin layer of Steel Blue. Too much layout fluid can cause your markings/measurements to be off.

Second: Wait to dry. The surface should no longer look reflective.

Third: Using a measuring tool, mark the exact location for precise cutting.

Fourth: The lines should look completely visible and reflective.

How to remove ITW Dyken marking paint and spray?

Removing the layout fluid from metal or steel surfaces is very easy. You can use rubbing alcohol or acetone cleaning products (ie. acetone nail polish remover works great!).

OR you could use Dykem layout fluid remover & cleanser. They also come in disposable wipes for easy application.

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