ESL Vision Outdoor Light Accessories

ESL Vision offers a variety of outdoor light accessories to enhance the performance and functionality of their LED fixtures. These accessories are designed to work with a variety of ESL Vision fixtures, including wall packs, canopy lights, floodlights, and area lights. They are made from durable materials and are designed to withstand the elements.

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How do you keep outdoor lights in place?

  • Staple guns: If you are hanging string lights on a fence or other metal structure, a staple gun is a good option. Be sure to use a heavy-duty staple gun and staples that are designed for outdoor use.
  • Weatherproof outdoor tape: This is a good option for hanging string lights on surfaces that you don't want to damage, such as vinyl siding. The tape is weatherproof and will hold the lights in place even in windy conditions.
  • Screw-in cup hooks: These are a good option for hanging lights on wood or metal surfaces. They are easy to install and can hold a lot of weight.

What is an outdoor light shield?

An outdoor light shield is a device that is used to block the light from an outdoor light fixture. It can be used to reduce glare, light trespass, and sky glow. Some of the most common materials include aluminum, plastic, and glass. Outdoor light shields can be installed on a variety of light fixtures, including floodlights, security lights, and landscape lights.

Some of the most common types of outdoor light shields include:

  • Glare shields: These shields are designed to reduce glare from outdoor light fixtures. They are typically made of metal or plastic, and they are often angled to deflect the light away from people's eyes.
  • Sky glow shields: These shields are designed to reduce the amount of light that travels upwards into the sky. They are typically made of a mesh material, which allows the light to pass through but diffuses it so that it does not create sky glow.
  • Light trespass shields: These shields are designed to reduce the amount of light that spills over onto neighboring properties. They are typically made of metal or plastic, and they are often opaque so that they completely block the light.

Do outdoor lights need a cover?

In general, outdoor lights that are not specifically designed for wet or humid conditions should have a cover to protect them from the elements. This includes lights that are made of plastic or other materials that are not weatherproof. A cover can help to prevent the light fixture from getting wet, which can lead to corrosion and damage.

In some cases, a cover can also help to reduce glare and light trespass. This is especially important if your outdoor lights are located near windows or other areas where people might be exposed to direct light.

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