Halco LED Miniature Indicator Bulb

Halco Lighting has a selection of Miniature indicator bulbs to choose from. The indicator bulbs Halco offers include omnidirectional JC bulbs, miniature bulbs, and sign bulbs. Shop Halco’s LED Miniature indicators today at HomElectrical!

What is the purpose of a miniature indicator bulb?

The purpose of an LED Miniature indicator bulb is to show the status of the device. Miniature indicator LEDs indicate whether an item is on or off and can notify if equipment is malfunctioning. These indicators are energy efficient because they have LED lights. Common places to find miniature indicators are TVs, computers, and industrial equipment.

What are the most common LED Miniature Indicator bases?

The most common LED miniature indicator bases are:

  • G4: Has bipins that are spaced 4 millimeters apart.
  • GY6.35: The gap between bipins is 6 millimeters.
  • G8: The base has bipins with an 8-millimeter gap.
  • G9: This base is the largest bi-pin and measures about 9 millimeters between each pin.
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