Jackson Professional Tools Shovels

Jackson Professional Tools Shovels produce high quality, durable products, like shovels and post spades. Their products are great for a variety of jobs and are made to last. Shop our full selection at HomElectrical today for a full variety of Jackson Professional Tools Shovels.

What is a square point shovel used for?

A square point shovel is used when moving loose garden material, sand, top soil, or debris. Not only this, but it can also be used to shape beds, mix concrete, level off areas that need to be flat, or to scrape hard to remove materials from a driveway or a different type of hard surface.

What is a round head shovel used for?

A round head shovel is used when gardening and are trying to do almost any task that you need. It can be used for digging, cultivating, or moving mulch, gravel, or any other material you are trying to relocate from one place to another.
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