Liquid Deodorant

Our liquid deodorant category has many different scents to keep that unwanted smell away. You can dilute the liquid deodorizers that we offer on our website and control nasty odors that are hard to wash off such as cigar or cigarette smell. HomElectrical has a great selection that will meet all your deodorizing needs at great and affordable prices. Get the best bang for you buck at HomElectrical

1-23 of 23 products

1-23 of 23 products

Should I dilute my liquid deodorizer with water?

Yes, you can get much more use out of each bottle if you dilute it with water. Using the straight deodorizer will also probably be overpowering unless you use a small amount of it. Check the directions on the bottle to see how you should properly dilute it before creating a solution, and never mix the deodorant with other chemicals.

Why should I buy liquid deodorant over self-contained deodorizers?

Liquid deodorant gives you control over how strong you want the scent of your deodorant to be, and gives you more uses for the price.
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