Rack-A-Tiers Large Croc's Needle Nose Wire Strippers

Rack-A-Tiers 47000
SKU RAT-4700024PCK
Rack-A-Tiers' Croc's Needle Nose Wire Strippers, with glow in the dark handles and large cutting blades, are perfect for easy general purpose cuts. Shop our full selection of Rack-A-Tiers' electrical tools at HomElectrical.com today!
Rack-A-Tiers Large Croc's Needle Nose Wire Strippers
Rack-A-Tiers Large Croc's Needle Nose Wire Strippers
Replacement Product
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CompanyRack-A-Tiers Wrench & ScrewdriversRack-A-Tiers Wirecutter & Wire Strippers
Product categoryWire Stripper & Wire CutterWire Stripper & Wire Cutter

Rack-A-Tiers 47000 Description

Rack-A-Tiers Large Croc's Needle Nose Wire Strippers, 24 Pack features:

  • Needle nose tips.
  • NMSC stripper at the nose where it is easier to use inside boxes.
  • Strips conductor sizes from #10 down to #22 AWG (for telephone wire).
  • Large cutting blades for easy general purpose cuts.
  • Barrel sleeve crimper near the pivot.
  • Ergonomic â??hourglassâ? shaped handles for comfort and speed.
  • Glow in the dark handles.

Manufacturer Description

Croc's Needle Nose Wire Strippers-Large

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