LEED Certification: The Green Design Concept of LEED Certified Buildings

When working on a LEED registered construction project or renovation, it is important to maximize your points within each of the LEED credit categories. As you know, the purpose of LEED certification is to identify that the design and construction of a building is energy efficient, water-efficient, and is following sustainable waste-reducing practices. LEED organizes these points into seven credit categories:

Energy Efficiency

Energy & Atmosphere

This measures a building’s energy production to ensure it reduces the need for electricity. LEED rewards buildings that optimize sustainable energy practices, as well as renewable energy sources, like solar panels.


Sustainable Sites

LEED awards points by measuring a site location and making sure it is in a green open space with light pollution, and access to public transportation.


Water Conservation

LEED awards points for the reduction of indoor and outdoor water used in toilets, as well as the re-use of grey water.

Energy Efficiency

Materials & Resources

This measures the use of responsible construction waste management, as well as the use of sustainable materials. LEED awards points to projects that reduce landfill waste. Points are awarded for materials that are re-used and recycled.
Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Environmental Quality

This category ensures the use of natural lighting and efficient HVAC systems. LEED awards points for lighting, temperature, ventilation, reduced indoor pollution, and the amount of natural lighting in a home or commercial building.


Innovation in Design

LEED awards points for buildings with innovative and sustainable strategies, like the reduction of site disturbance, and vegetative & animal preservation.

Green Car

Location & Transportation

LEED awards points to buildings that have optimized access to public transportation and green vehicles.

What Are the Levels of LEED Certification for a Building?

By following the standards of the LEED certification process, a building can receive 1 of 4 levels of certification: Certified (40-49 points), Silver (50-59 points), Gold (60-79 points), or Platinum (80-110 points). Each level can be achieved by scoring high in each credit category. The maximum amount of points a building project can receive is 110 points (or LEED Platinum).

Certification Levels Points Required
Green LEED certification level 40-49
Silver LEED certification level 50-59
gold LEED certification rating level 60-79
Platinum LEED certification level 80-110



Recommended Reading

Score high on your next project with a few tips! See how you can improve on water efficiency, innovation of design, energy and atmosphere, sustainable sites, and many more categories.

LEED certification provides assurance in a building’s air quality, water efficiency, waste reduction, and other sustainable practices. Additionally, LEED certification provides a stamp of quality for a greater return on your investment.

LEED rates buildings on their energy-efficiency, water efficiency, waste reduction, and other sustainable practices. Many industrial and commercial buildings throughout Georgia qualified for LEED certification.

Shakir Williams
Shakir Williams

A true creative with a penchant for the spiritual and natural order. She loves the Earth, almost as much as she loves writing about it.

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