The Energy Policy Act was passed by Congress in 2005. It was a reaction to the broader energy use and independence concerns. It addressed the energy production in the US including: energy efficiency, coal, oil and gas, etc. But with the passing of this act there also came the 179D tax deduction. While the words ‘tax deduction’ sounds very attractive to anyone who has been paying taxes for more than a year ‘179D’ just makes you wonder if this is just another trick. What is the 179D tax deduction and why should I care?
During the production of the Energy Policy Act, the Department of Energy had submitted a report about the energy usage in the United States. It stated that buildings are responsible for more than 73% of all electricity usage in the US. Half of that usage was due to commercial buildings.
In order to encourage those buildings to change, 179D stated that qualifying building owners and businesses could get up to $1.80 per square foot in tax deductions. To qualify, however, the buildings and businesses needed to be retrofitted so that they were energy efficient.
Even if you are only able to reduce your energy consumption by 10% you may still be able to receive substantial tax savings. To further maximize your benefit, it is important that you examine the details of the qualifications so you can get the most out of your renovation.
Building owners and renters are able to qualify for this tax deduction if there are any energy efficient enhancements to their commercial building.
For those of you who are not a building owner or renter have no fear. Architects, engineers, contractors, environmental consultants, and energy service providers can qualify for this tax deduction as well. All you have to do is to improve the energy efficiency of a government owned building. Building at the federal, state, or local levels could also qualify for the 179D tax deduction.
What are you waiting for? Start saving some money by retrofitting your lighting system today. You won’t just have a few extra coins to put into the piggy bank; you will be using a more efficient energy source that is sure to last longer. Begin your search by looking at the LED lighting section from HomElectrical today!
Eco-friendly practices can help save on energy consumption in commercial buildings. You can also reduce energy consumption by switching current light fixtures to LED, regularly changing HVAC filters, and much more.
Increase the efficiency of your facility and save on utility expenses with a few energy conserving tips! You can also find long term solutions to help increase your energy conservation.
Atlanta begins making the change to energy efficient LED streetlights. See how installing energy efficient LED street lights can benefit Atlanta!
Dimmers require compatible bulbs that reach a certain load level or power level in order to work. Read our guide to help you choose which bulb and dimmer you need!
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