Nuvo Lighting Willis Collection

Nuvo’s Willis Collection offers a selection of outdoor LED lighting options, including LED flush lights, post lights, wall lights and hanging lights. Buy Nuvo’s Willis Collection for different LED lighting options today HomElectrical!

How to convert can light to flush mount?

To convert a can light to a flush mount, you will need to follow the steps below.

  • Before beginning, make sure to have the required tools for the replacement. These tools include screwdriver, wire cutters, electrical tape and a recessed lighting converter kit.
  • Once you have the tools, you can begin by removing the old, recessed lighting fixture. You may need to use a screwdriver to pull the recessed fixture off the wall.
  • Once the light is removed, you will then install the converter kit into the wall. The converter kit comes with instructions on how to install it properly, so make sure to read it thoroughly.
  • After installing the converter kit, you can install the new fixture. You can also connect the wires from the new fixture to the wires from the wall.
  • After connecting the wires and putting wire nuts over them, you can turn the power back on and see if the flush mount will work.

Disclaimer: If you are not a licensed professional in electrical wiring, HomElectrical does not recommend DIY installation. Always hire an electrician for any, and all, electrical needs.

How to install outdoor post light?

To install Nuvo’s Williss LED Outdoor Post Light, hire a licensed electrician so they can take the necessary precautions. Below are steps they will take to install an outdoor post light.

  • Step 1: First the electrician will take all the contents from the box and place them on a soft surface to prevent damage. They will also turn the power off while working to ensure safety.
  • Step 2: Then the electrician will install the correct bulb. The bulb for this light is provided.
  • Step 3: The electrician will then install the glass shade into the bottom body.
  • Step 4: Then attach the top body to the frame and make sure it is secure.
  • Step 5: The electrician uses the wires nuts to connect the positive and neutral wires and then connects the ground wire to the junction box ground port.
  • Step 6: Then they will secure the fixture to the post light. Then they will turn the power back on at the circuit breaker.
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