Save Money By Switching to LED Street Lights

LED light bulbs are gaining significant market exposure, and with good reasons. As you may know, LED bulbs are more energy efficient, more environmentally friendly and a cost-saving alternative to the conventional halogen, metal halide, and high pressure sodium lights.

LED Street Lights deliver the best economic return compared to conventional alternatives -considering the total life-cycle costs including installation, maintenance, and energy.

  • Energy Saving: LED lights use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs.
  • Money-Saving: LED lights can save you thousands in electricity costs over its lifetime.
  • Reduce Costs: LED lights can help reduce maintenance and operation costs.
  • Long-Lasting: LED lights can last for up to 30,000 hours.
  • Variety: LED lights come in a variety of styles, lumens and color temperatures.

Benefits of Switching to LED Street Lights

  • Reduces maintenance costs: Unlike high-pressure sodium street lights, LED’s light output does not depreciate over time, making maintenance costs of replacing them significantly lower. 
  • Reduces operation costs: LED Street Lights can greatly reduce your utility bill, while still offering optimal brightness at a low wattage. They can also reduce energy consumption by 40 to 60 percent.
  • Increases Driver Safety: Brighter and greater illumination can largely increase safety for drivers at night.
  • Reduces your carbon footprint: LED technology has a lot of potential to reduce light pollution and reduce global energy use.

Did you know that...

The cost of installing one street pole is $4000. This includes the costs of the bulb, pole, electrical wires, and labor. As a contractor, you can understand the importance of a return on your investment. If you want to make sure that investing in LED’s over traditional lights will have a better bottom line, check out the chart below:

What is my Potential Return on Investment (ROI) if I Switch to LED’s?

ROI LED vs. Fluorescent Light BulbsLED vs. Sodium Light Bulbs

Lamp price per unit 

Investment for 2000 lamps500
Investment price per unit$1,000,000$1,000,000
Total Savings per year $1,119,000$513,000
Lifetime savings on lights$18,394,521$8,432,887
Payback on LED investment0.891.95 (under two years)

How do LED’s Compare to Fluorescent bulbs and High-Pressure Sodium Street Lights?

LED Lamp SavingsFluorescent Street Lights High Pressure Sodium Street Lights LED Street Lights

Number of lights

Electricity price per kwh $0.20$0.20$0.20
Lamp hours per day 101010
Maintenance per lamp (per year)$450$220$0.00
Lifetime hours per lamp2,00016,000
Watts consumed per lamp 25015060,000
Cost a year per 2000 lamps$365,000$219,000100
Total maintenance cost (per year)$9,000,000$440,000$0.00
Total cost a year (current prices)$1,265,000$659,000$146,000
Lifetime per lamp in years0.554.3816.44
Electricity/ Maintenance (lifetime)$20,794,521$10,832,877$2,400,000

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Recommended Reading

LED Shoebox fixtures have a long lifespan with less energy. You can choose to retrofit your current fixture to LED lighting, or you can replace the fixture entirely.

Retrofitting refers to the process of removing the internal components of your current fixtures and replacing them with LED technology. Read our guide to learn about the different types of fixtures you can retrofit.

Shakir Williams
Shakir Williams

A true creative with a penchant for the spiritual and natural order. She loves the Earth, almost as much as she loves writing about it.

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