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Shurtape creates tapes for painting, packaging, HVAC, and transportation. They have a full selection of general purpose utility tape, aluminum tape, duct tape, and electrical tape. These can be used for a variety of commercial applications featuring water resistance, oil resistant, resistance to corrosive chemicals, and more. Discover our selection of Shurtape tapes at HomElectrical.

What is Shurtape utility grade masking tape used for?

Shurtape utility grade masking tape is both water and oil resistant. It is commonly used for general purpose applications including:

  • Packaging
  • Bundling
  • Holding
  • Splicing
  • Tabbing
  • Banding Applications

What is Shurtape Duct Tape used for?

Shurtape duct tape is able to perform efficiently in cold temperatures and can be used for an array of applications:

  • Sealing
  • Seaming
  • Repairing
  • Holding
  • Waterproofing
  • Restoration

What is Shurtape Electrical Tape?

Shurtape electrical tape is resistant to UV, oils, acids, alkalies, corrosive chemicals, and water. This tape also features a non-corrosive, rubber based adhesive along with a PVC backing.

What is Shurtape Aluminum Tape used for?

Shurtape aluminum tape is generally used in the HVAC industry because of its abilities to seal and join aluminum backed tape, develop water and vapor barriers, and limited metal repairs. This tape also features resistance to water vapor, odor, and smoke transmission.

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