Digital Thermostat

Getting the right thermostat helps you save energy and money when it comes to heating and cooling. HomElectrical offers a wide range of programmable and non-programmable thermostats with line voltage, high and low voltage or single and double pole options. Shop today to find the right thermostat for your space's needs!

1-30 of 75 products


1-30 of 75 products


Should I use a programmable or non-programmable thermostat?

Energy Star recommends that instead of keeping your space at one temperature throughout the day, you should change it based on your schedule. There are two ways you can do this:

A programmable thermostat allows you to customize the heating and cooling schedule based on when you’re home and away. 5-2 thermostats allow you to set one schedule for the weekdays and another for the weekend. 5-1-1 thermostats allow you to set one schedule for the week, one for Saturday, and one for Sunday. A 7-day thermostat allows you to set a different temperature for each day of the week. If you spend a considerable amount of time away from home, save money and energy by setting your thermostat at a comfortable temperature when you come home, and a more energy-efficient temperature when you leave.

With a non-programmable thermostat, you must change the temperature manually using the switch controls. If someone stays at home all day and can continuously change the temperature throughout the day, consider this type. Non-programmable thermostats adjust better to weather changes such as large temperature swings between day and night or cold fronts and heat waves.

What is line voltage and low voltage?

Electric wall or baseboard heaters use line voltage thermostats, which work on direct current, 120, or 240 volts. Typically found in newer homes, low voltage thermostats control central heating and cooling systems. They use 24 volts. Low voltage thermostats are the more common residential type. When you choose your thermostat, make sure it uses the right voltage type for your heating system.

What is single and double pole?

Line voltage thermostats are labeled either single pole or double pole. A double pole thermostat can turn completely off and breaks both sides of the heater’s power line. It typically has 4 connection wires. 240 volt circuit breakers usually use double pole because of the large supply of energy needed to power the heater.

120 volt circuit breakers typically use single pole. A single pole thermostat has 2 connection wires and only breaks one side of the heater’s power line. Single pole thermostats cannot turn off but can just stay on a lowest setting. If the room temperature goes below that lowest setting, the thermostat will turn on. To ensure your heater is off, disconnect the power to the heater circuit at the main disconnect panel.

Locate the amperage of your electrical circuit breaker on the toggle switch or on top of the model.

What are the advantages of a wall-mount thermostat over a built-in one?

A built-in control is easier to install when the walls are already finished, but a wall-mount thermostat controls the room temperature more accurately, is more convenient to use, and offers a broader selection of models.

Always mount your thermostat on inside walls away from drafts, direct sunlight, or appliances that could make the temperature reading inaccurate. If using your thermostat with a baseboard heater, put it across the room from the heater. If using a wall heater, put the thermostat on the same stud cavity as the heater on the opposite side of the stud, 5 feet above the floor. If you want to put the thermostat in a large room containing 2 or more heaters, place the thermostat in a central location.

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