Anti-Spatter Chemical

The worst thing that can happen when you are trying to complete a project is when it gets damaged or breaks. The same thing can happen to a welder due to splatter also known as splatter balls. Our selection of anti-spatter chemicals can come in sprays, gels, and liquids for your convenience. They are designed to shield project that are in the middle of being welded from spatter and keep them from being damaged. It's frustrating when you have to start a project over from the beginning so it's important to take precautions. Discover our collection of anti-spatter chemicals to defend against spatter balls during the welding process at HomElectrical.

What is Anti-Spatter used for?

An anti-spatter chemical product can help protect your welder parts and finished work pieces from welding spatter on the job. There are a variety of anti-spatter products to choose from including:

  • Nozzle Dip Gel - prevents clogging on the welding tips.
  • Shield Spray - helps protect threaded assemblies, clamps, machined surfaces and more by adding a protective layer between the finished work piece and the spatter.
  • Welding & Spark Deflection Paper – fire retardant paper that protects glass and painted surfaces from welding spatter and grinding sparks. It can stretch out to 150 feet long.
  • Flux Paste – there are different types of flux paste to help with different alloys. It helps you when you are welding or soldering to make a good connection.

What is weld spatter?

Spatter is basically drops of molten material that are created at or close to the welding arc. This generally appears when a welder is doing gas metal arc welding. Complications that can occur with the development of spatter include:

  • Spatter balls can end up attaching themselves to your work or tools.
  • It can burn your skin and clothing.
  • Losing core material from the arc and weld.
  • Having a big mess that you need to clean up.

A couple of aspects may influence the generation of spatter including:
  • Welding wire of poor quality
  • Gas that was badly mixed
  • The angle of the torch is bad
  • The welding surface is in horrible conditions(paint, rust, etc)
  • Moisture in the air
  • Shielding gas loss
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