What are LED Retrofits?

If you are looking to replace your old lighting fixtures for new ones, you should consider the cost-effective alternative of retrofit kits. You can achieve that same LED brightness without the hassle of replacing your fixture. They easily screw into the socket and are a great energy efficient alternative to fluorescent and Halogen light bulbs. Commercial light fixtures can be expensive to replace, but retrofitting is a great option. There are several different types of LED retrofit kits.

Shoebox Retrofit

These are great for retrofitting commercial light fixtures in large outdoor areas, parking lots, street lamps, and more.

Troffer Retrofit

LED Troffer Kits can be used to retrofit linear fixtures, such as fluorescent tubes, light panels, and troffers. LED Troffer kits are the best option if you’re not interested in replacing your entire lighting system.

LED Corn Bulbs are an energy efficient alternative to metal halide and high-pressure sodium lamps.

Corn Bulb
LED Driver

Light bulbs that are used for outdoor area lighting or commercial lighting purposes will often require an external driver in order to run. If you’re looking for a cheaper alternative, consider replacing the driver of your LED lights.

There are so many cost-effective options for you to choose from. If you’re still not sure what type of light bulb you need, check out our Light Bulb Guide!

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Recommended Reading

LED Shoebox fixtures have a long lifespan with less energy. You can choose to retrofit your current fixture to LED lighting, or you can replace the fixture entirely.

Wall packs allow you to mount lights onto the walls of your building, increasing security and illuminating walkways. If you want to update to LED wall packs, you can either replace the fixture or retrofit.

A retrofit kit allows you to convert your high bay lights to LED without having to replace all the existing fixtures. A shoebox light fixture sees use in many indoor and outdoor applications, and makes a perfect place to convert to LED lights.

Shakir Williams
Shakir Williams

A true creative with a penchant for the spiritual and natural order. She loves the Earth, almost as much as she loves writing about it.

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